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All CollectionsCompliance Logs
Section 3: Creating Log Templates
Section 3: Creating Log Templates
Updated over a year ago

When you create a new log template, you will have the following fields available to complete:

  1. Log Category

  2. Log Name

  3. Location – this is just additional information that can help identify logs

  4. Allow import of previous log entry – Yes/No. Defaults to Yes

    • Select Yes if you would like the option to bring any data over from the previous log entry. This is recommended for things that don’t change very often between log entries.

    • This can be enabled/disabled field by field in the log builder.

Log templates are broken up into 3 different sections

  1. Log information – name/category/location as discussed above

  2. Log Schedule

  3. Log Builder

Log Schedule

The log scheduler is highly customizable to give you the most flexibility for log entry deadlines. You can select the frequency of the log, the day(s) of the week in which the log is due, and the time it is due by. There are several options for frequency:

  1. Specific days – select one or more of Sun, Mon, Tues, Wed, Thu, Fri, Sat

  2. Weekly – select which day of the week the log is due

  3. Monthly – set up the deadline in two parts

    • First, Second, Third, Fourth, or Last

    • Day of the week (Sun - Sat)

  4. Quarterly – gives you the same options as monthly for the deadline. Quarters follow traditional fiscal quarters

    • Jan – March

    • April – June

    • July – Sept

    • Oct – Dec

  5. Yearly – select the month and the day of the month (1-31) for the due date

Things to Know: The schedule will drive what is Due Today, Overdue, and Upcoming. The scheduler will automatically log missing entries based on the schedule selected for each log template.

Log Builder

The log builder is an easy-to-use form builder for collecting log data. The builder gives you two main options for building your log templates:

  1. Columns – the fields of data you will collect

  2. Pre-Populated Rows – any pre-filled data that is always available for each log entry


You can add several different data types as columns to a log template:

  1. Checkboxes – list of options that can have multiple selections

  2. Date – date entry field

    • Date fields can optionally be tracked as expiration dates. If this checkbox is checked, you will receive emails when you complete a log that has expired date fields

  3. Dropdown – dropdown list options with single option selection

  4. Inventory – multi select option that pulls inventory from your inventory database. Items can be added on-the-fly or in the Template Library management area

    • Inventory selections also allow a quantity input to go along with the name of the inventory item

  5. Mobile scan – use the built in mobile scanner for document scanning into the log

    • RFX provides you with a real document scanner that scans documents into high quality PDFs that are attached to the log

    • If you fill out a log on the PC/laptop, this option will automatically convert to a file upload so you can upload files from your computer

  6. Numeric – number only input

  7. Radios – list of radio buttons that support one selection only

  8. Signature – capture the signature or consent of the logged in user

    • This is a button that will capture the date, time, and ip address of the logged in user

  9. Text – free text input

  10. Time – a time selector for time only input

Any column can be marked as Required *.

Things to Know: For a log entry to be marked as complete, all Required* fields must be filled out. If there are no required fields, then all fields must be required.

Collect New Value

Columns can also be marked with ‘Always collect a new value’. This is checked by default. This works only if the log was set up with ‘Allow import of a previous log entry’.

  1. Select if you want a new value entered for every new log entry

  2. Do not select if you want the value to carry over from the previous log entry

Example: You may have an expiration date column set on a crash cart log that you do not want to enter in every log entry. If you uncheck the ‘Always collect a new value’ option, then the previously entered date will be pulled into the next log entry automatically.

Drag and Drop

Columns can be reordered using drag and drop. Simply click into the column box, hold your mouse down, and drag the box to the position that you want.


Alerts can be set up for certain columns, so you are notified when something is out of compliance. You can click the bell icon on any valid column to edit the alerts.

Things to Know: Currently only dropdown and numeric datatypes allow for alerts.

Dropdown alerts allow you to select an option from the dropdown list and then set the severity of the notification. The severity option will drive who receives these notifications. See Section 8: Notifications

Example: You may want to know when a fire extinguisher is not accessible. You can set up a dropdown field with Yes and No options. You can then set up an alert to send an email if No is selected.

Numeric fields allow you to set up range notifications. The operator dropdown gives you three different options – Less Than, Greater Than, Equal To.

Example: You may want to set up a notification for a refrigerator that gets colder than 35 degrees and warmer than 44 degrees. You can set up 2 notifications, one Less Than 35 and one Greater Than 44, and get notified when either are triggered.

Alerts are only sent out when a log entry is completed.

Pre-Populated Rows

You can set up pre-populated data entry for certain fields to reduce the amount of data entry needed when completing log entries. This not only saves time, but also limits the number of errors when entering data.

Things to Know: Currently only text and numeric fields allow for pre-population. Numeric fields are only available if you have the checkbox ‘Always collect a new value’ checked for the column.

You can add as many pre-populated rows as you would like. In the mobile application, each pre-populated row will show up as a separate page for data entry.

Example: You can set up a crash cart log with Location, Item, and Quantity fields. You can add pre-populated rows and fill in the location (such as Drawer 1, etc), the medication name, and the quantity of each medication. This will save time and reduce errors when collecting these logs.

Preview Log

The preview log feature is a powerful tool that allows you to view the changes you are making to the log template at any time. Click the blue Preview Log at any time to see the changes you have made.


Log templates are automatically saved as you make any changes. There is no Save button and no need to worry about whether your changes are being saved. RFX will handle all of that for you!

Clone Template

You can clone any template from your library at any time. This will create a copy of the log template and automatically pre-pend the phrase ‘CLONED -’ to the front of the log name. Logs that are cloned are not automatically activated, so you will need to activate them when you are ready.


Only active logs are available in the mobile app or on the web for data entry. Logs are inactive by default and must manually be activated.

Editing Log Templates

Log templates can be edited at any time until you start collecting data. Once you start collecting data, the log template is locked. This is to ensure data integrity and compliance for reporting and exporting.

Things to Know: If you need to modify an existing log that is locked, you can clone the log, activate the new log, and deactivate the old log.

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