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All CollectionsCompliance Logs
Section 9: Permissions
Section 9: Permissions

Setting user permissions for compliance logs.

Updated over a year ago

Permissions to logs need to be set up in three different areas:

  1. Add an access role

  2. Add a category and assign the access role to the category

  3. Edit user permissions and assign the access role to the user

Things to Know: Super admins will always see all logs and do not require permissions.

Add Access Role

Access roles can be created in the Template Library. You can access this using the Compliance Log Templates menu item under the gear icon in RFX.

You will see a tab for Access Roles. Inside of this tab you can add and remove access roles.

Add Category

When you create a log, you will create or reuse a category. This will automatically create a category record under the Categories tab in the Template Library. See Section 3: Creating Log Templates

You can also create or deactivate categories under the Categories tab in the template library.

Clicking the edit icon will bring up a dialog that will list all access roles that have been created. This is where you will assign specific access roles to the category.

User Permissions

Users must also be assigned access roles, except for super admins. You can manage user permissions using the Users and Permissions menu item under the gear icon.

Clicking the edit icon on any user will bring up the permissions dialog. At the bottom of that dialog you will see a section for Logs that will list all access roles created. This is where you will assign access roles to the user.

Things to Know: Only super admins have permission to update user permissions and assign roles to users.

If for any reason a user cannot access a log, you will need to verify the access role that is assigned to the category, then verify the user has that access role assigned.

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