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Section 7: Privileging

Managing provider privileging

Updated over a year ago

You can manage provider privileging for your facility under the Privileging tab in the provider details page. There are 3 different types of privileging:

  1. Initial Appointment

  2. Re-Appointment

  3. Other – allows free text to define what this means to you


When you add privileging for a provider, you have the option to create a privileging checklist. This checklist is simply a packet that you can use to collect the required documentation needed to privilege this provider at your facility.

Things to Know: Privileging checklists are completely optional and not required to approve privileging inside of RFX. Checklists are not sent to the provider.

Privileging dates are not required to start the process, but they are required when approving the privileging.

Individual Documents

You also have the ability to add individual documents to the checklist if desired.

Temporary Privileges

When you add privileging for a provider, you may want to give them temporary privileging until the process is complete.

A privileging record that is either Incomplete or Pending Approval will display a blue link that, when clicked, will bring up an approval dialog. At the top of that dialog, you can assign temporary privileges. This is for reference only and the provider will not be notified by RFX.

Actions Menu

When you create a privileging record, a row will be added to the list under the Privileging tab in the provider details. All privileging records will have icons for the following items:

  1. Upload Checklist Documents – only available until privileging is approved/denied

  2. Add Individual Document

  3. Delete

Upload Checklist Documents

If you set up a packet for the privileging, you can upload documents and enter appropriate date information using this tool. This dialog will give you a full screen side-by-side editor for quick and easy data entry.

The status of each item will be visible on the screen and the % completed will be displayed at the top.

Things to Know: Documents uploaded to this screen will not flow into the provider tabs until after privileging is approved. This is only a holding area until approved.

The checklist allows the following functions:

  1. Add Document – you can add any document from your document library into the checklist at any time

  2. Drag and Drop reorder – the order of the documents will dictate the order of pages in the generated packet pdf at the end of the privileging process

  3. Request from Provider – you can request individual documents from the provider inside of the checklist.

    • The provider will be able to upload the document using the mobile app or the website in the same way they can when you request a document from them. See Section 6: Requesting Documents

    • Their uploaded document will show up in the checklist as if you uploaded it yourself.

    • You can cancel the request at any time.

    • You can remove the uploaded document if it is incorrect.

  4. Delete – remove the document from the packet

Things to Know: The provider will only receive one email per session when requesting documents from a checklist. When you open the checklist dialog, the session begins. You can request any number of times and only one email will be sent.

Checklist documents can be in one of the following states:

  1. Incomplete – no document

  2. Incomplete – document uploaded, will show a paper clip icon

  3. Requested From Provider – pending upload

  4. Requested From Provider – document uploaded, will show a paper clip icon

  5. Complete

Add Individual Document

You can upload documents and attach them directly to the privileging record for historical or compliance purposes. This document is not assigned to any tabs in the provider file, it is simply uploaded and attached for reference.


At any time, you can approve or deny the privileging for a provider. If you deny the privileging, it will be marked as Denied and locked.

The approval dialog provides you with a generated Packet Document PDF. This document is stitched together with all the documents that were uploaded to the checklist. This document will be attached to the privileging record as a Packet, so you will always have it. It can be viewed in the side-by-side viewer.

You have the option of uploading 3 other documents that are typically necessary for privileging:

  1. Board Approval

  2. Privileging Letter

  3. Additional Documentation

If you attach these documents, they will automatically be attached to the privileging record.

Things to Know: Just like a packet, once you approve the privileging, all the documents will flow into the appropriate tabs. Any matching documents will automatically be archived for you.

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