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Section 10: Permissions

Setting individual user permissions

Updated over a year ago

RFX gives you the ability to control individual user permissions. The Users & Permissions tab can be accessed on the settings page by clicking the gear icon at the top right of the application.

Things to Know: You will only see this menu item if you are set up as a Super admin user for your facility.

Editing Permissions

If you click the Edit icon on a user, you will see the Credentialing permission area in the middle of the dialog.

Users marked as either Super admin or with Everything will automatically have access to all credentialing information.

If you would like to limit access, remove the checkmarks from those areas.

Access and Read Only

You can remove access to provider credentialing completely by unchecking the Access option. If you would like to give access, but restrict their ability to edit any information, click the Read Only checkbox.

You can also control access to Provider Privileging and Health File.

Things to Know: The Health File permission requires that you have a tab named ‘Health File’ in your document library.

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