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All CollectionsContracts
Section 7: Filtering
Section 7: Filtering

How to filter and search for contracts

Updated over a year ago

The contracts dashboard gives you several filtering options to help you quickly find what you are looking for.

Header Cards

The header at the top of the contracts dashboard gives you a quick glance of the following things:

  1. Total number of active contracts in the system

  2. All contracts with Vendor Cancellation Notifications due

    • Within 30 days

    • 31 – 60 days

    • 61 – 90 days

You can click the View link on these cards to filter the contracts grid. A filter box will show up above the grid. To clear the filter, click the X that shows up in the blue box.


RFX organizes your contracts into a handful of tabs.

  1. All Contracts

  2. Pending – shows all contracts with active work items assigned to it

  3. Active – all contracts where today’s date falls between the start and end dates

  4. Inactive – all contracts that have either expired or were terminated

  5. Future – any contracts setup that will activate at some point in the future


RFX provides you with a quick search box at the top of the contracts grid. You will need to clear your search to show all grid items.

Things to Know: RFX will remember your filters, sorting, and grid pages. This allows you to work on contracts without the need to constantly refilter your data. Be sure to clear these filters when you are done.

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